Heritage Forest Membership
Brown Property Preservation Society Membership
The Heritage Forest is protected in its natural state by a Conservation Covenant that directs co-operative management involving the Brown Property Preservation Society (BPPS), the Town of Qualicum Beach and the Land Conservancy of BC (TLC). It is important that this Society, as a registered society, maintain a vigorous membership.
Occasionally, BPPS members are invited to volunteer for a work party to remove invasive species or carry out trail maintenance. Membership funds provide Forest signage, website presence and annual Society reporting.
Let us know if you would like more information about the Heritage Forest Reserve Fund (Bylaw No. 699, 2015). Estate funds can be designated to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the Heritage Forest over time. Spending must be approved by the Heritage Forest Commission with the Town of Qualicum Beach issuing a tax receipt.
If you have a keen interest in birds or plants, you can contact us for species lists of what may be observed in the Forest. Please stay on the trails and leave the flora for others to enjoy.
Contact heritageforest@shaw.ca if you have questions.
Contact Town Bylaw Officer at dmarshall@qualicumbeach.ca (250-927-0776) to report non-compliance: camping, off-leash dog walking or dumping of yard waste.
Call 911 if you detect fire or see suspicious activity.

Membership Form
$15 for 3 years per member. Please make cheque payable to:
Brown Property Preservation Society.
An acknowledgement letter will be sent by mail or email.
Send Fee & Membership Form To:
Mrs. Jacklyn Ferguson
234 Crescent Road East
Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1L6
Date Joined: